Ossian Comprehensive Plan
Community Center

Fort Wayne, Indiana
The Fort Wayne Museum of Art was quickly outgrowing its 25-year-old Walter Netsch-inspired design. Current programming demands required conversion of large, open gallery spaces into individual galleries allowing the museum flexibility to interpret and display temporary exhibitions. The growing permanent collection focused on American Art has received dedicated galleries and expanded collection storage. A print study gallery now allows visitors to experience parts of the permanent collection that were normally inaccessible. The entire first floor of the museum was totally renovated.
A new multi-purpose auditorium allows for lectures, exhibition display, performances, etc. The library moved to an expanded day-lit space that was previously closed to the public. The gift shop, now visible from Main Street, offers views through the new glass facade. The expanded and improved museum opened to the public in early 2010.
AIA Fort Wayne Honor Award
Fort Wayne Downtown Improvement District Excellence in Design Award
Community Center