MKM architecture + design is pleased to announce Mark Braun has been hired as an Associate, bringing 30 years of experience to the team.

MKM architecture + design (MKM) believes in enhancing the health and well-being of the community. Our dedication to healthy living begins with our team. The Staff Fitness Challenge began in 2020, challenging employees through a year-long incentive program to visit the YMCA 100 or more times to earn a full individual membership reimbursement for the year. The goal of the program is to promote healthy living and community engagement through the YMCA.
Several staff members met their yearly goal and Marketing Manager, Jenn Storey, exceeded the goal by attending the YMCA over 200 times in 2022, hitting a new milestone for the challenge! MKM applauds the dedication of our team members to their individual health and well-being