In this episode of Health is Membership, MKM architecture + design sits down with Jane Ellery to discuss the connection of places and health.

Where did you grow up?
Findlay, Ohio
What interested you continuing your career journey with MKM?
I liked the idea of a new challenge. After spending several years in healthcare, I’m able to utilize those skills and transfer them to the connections made at MKM. 90% of our projects are healthcare related so it’s a great fit.
What motivates you to come into work every day at MKM?
I love what I do and the people that I work with. Every day I’m learning something new and discovering unique ways to create exposure and build our connections throughout the region.
Where do you look for inspiration?
Women who have paved the path before me.
How do you recharge during your free time?
I’m very involved in community theatre. I’ve been performing since I was 4. I’m just more balanced when I have the opportunity to perform or direct as a creative outlet. I feel most at home there
Where is your favorite place to travel?
I have many favorites: Lake Tahoe, New York City, and St. Petersburg, Florida are just a few.

What is your favorite quote?
Gosh. I feel like this is ever changing. But currently, I like – “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”
What was the last book your read?
Silent Spring. I’m pursuing my MPH and it was a requirement for my environmental course. It was published in 1962 and is considered the gateway that started the environmental movement.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
In January of 2020 I was asked to record a CD for a new potential musical about Picasso’s life called “Pablo.” There were 12 of us from Fort Wayne chosen as part of the ensemble. We recorded at Sweetwater while the principals in the cast recorded in New York. After several months, it was finally completed a few months ago and meetings between the creators and producers have begun. It was a great adventure and something that I am proud to have been a part of!